13th-15th October, 2021


The PDF-Khayan formed the Interim People's Administrative Group on 12 October as the junta’s local administration was collapsed after the resignation of 65 ward and village administrators in Yangon's Khayan Township. According to Peoples’ Soldiers, a group assisting the defected soldiers and police, it could evacuate 11 CDM soldiers in October. On 14 October, about 30 pro-junta Pyusawti members in Htee Lin Township, Magway Region, surrendered to the YDF-Htee Lin with their weapons, a YDF official told Khit Thit.

On 15 October, the six-year anniversary of the signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was celebrated in Naypyidaw. Except the KNU and CNF, all other eight NCA-signatories armed groups attended the event, VOA reported. The coup leader said the position of some ethnic armed organisations not holding dialogue because the current government is unelected is an unrealistic approach. The KNU has issued a statement saying the coup breaches the NCA and that the military needs to withdraw from politics. 

The Chin National Front's spokesman told Khonumthung that CNF and CDF joint forces attacked the junta convoy on its way to Hakha, Chin State. On 13 October, the junta troops killed two civilians in Tuphei village and set fire to several houses, including a church, in Rialti village in Falam Township, according to Zalen. Fighting broke out between resistance groups and junta troops in Khin U Township, Sagaing Region, and the junta suffered heavy casualties as PDF used several landmines, according to the BBC.

On 11 October, at least 10 activists were arrested in Dagon Seikkan Township, Yangon Region, according to Khit Thit. In Yangon, the junta is cutting off electricity to households refusing to pay bill. According to the NUG’s data on September, the junta has lost some 2 trillion kyats (U.S. $1 billion) in revenue as public refusing to pay electrical bills since the coup.

The NUG issued a statement claiming that non-state armed groups from neighbouring countries are joining forces with the junta to attack local PDFs. Some Indian-based Meitei rebel groups have been reportedly attacking the local PDFs in Tamu Township, Sagaing Region. The junta’s spokesperson said Aung San Suu Kyi would not be allowed to meet with the ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar because she had been indicted.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has postponed a meeting with the ASEAN ministers because he does not want to recognize the junta, Reuters reported. On 14 October, the US Embassy in Yangon issued a statement urging all Americans to leave Dawei, Tayetchaung, Launglon Townships, Tanintharyi Region. There are also reports that the junta is preparing a major military operation in the area.


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