1st-5th December, 2021


On the morning of 5 December, a military vehicle drove through a peaceful rally on the street of Yangon’s Kyimyindaing township, killing five young protesters and injuring several others, local media outlets reported. Witnesses told Myanmar Now that the junta troops fired into the group, beat up wounded on the street, and arrested 15 others. Before the incident, protesters were marching, carrying a portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi and her famous quote: “the only real prison is fear, and the real freedom is freedom from fear.”
NUG's Yangon Regional Command released a statement saying that it would retaliate against the junta. Hours after the incident, an unidentified gunman shot dead a local administrator who had been accused of informing the junta troops about the protest near his home, Mizzima reported. According to Burma VJ, the junta has instructed internet operators to increase their fees, making public difficult to access internet. As a result, Ooredoo Operators has announced that it will increase its Supernet wifi monthly fees by 70% from 8 December, following the junta's directive.
The Civilian's Defense and Security Organization of Myaung (CDSOM) said in a statement on 4 December that it had captured two junta-owned ships in Chindwin river in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region, and its troops have taken control of all the entrances and exits of the town. “It will not collect taxes or take bribes from the public,” the statement said. On 3 December, local defence forces reportedly killed a military veteran who was also a leader of local Pyu Saw Htee, in Yezakyo Township, Sagaing Region.
RFA reports that NUG's Ministry of Planning and Finance sold about $ 15 million worth of special treasury bonds within the first week. The PDF-Zoland leader Cin Sian Sum was assassinated on the morning of 5 December in Tedim, Chin State. Locals told Zalen Media that the gunmen were from the Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) operating on the Myanmar-India border.
Khit Thit reports that 32 junta troops, including officers, were killed in clashes with the joint force of KIA and local defence forces on 1 December near the border of Sagaing and Kachin. The MNDAA claimed that there were 126 clashes broke out between its troops and the junta forces in northern Shan State in November. The junta used more than 2,300 artillery shells during the fighting, the statement said. According to the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN), since the coup, the junta troops have abandoned 11 camps in Hpapun, a KNU-controlled area, with a total of 28 defectors.
The UN’s Credential Committee decides not to allow the junta to represent the country at the UN, but allow NUG’s special envoy U Kyaw Moe Tun to keep his current position. More than 26,000 people have recently been displaced in four townships in Sagaing Region, leaving a total of more than 41,000 displaced, according to UNOCHA’s statement on 1 December.


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