21st-25th November, 2021


At least 875 houses were burnt down, with 447 in Chin State and 328 in Magway Region, in the past five months and more than 53,000 people were displaced across the country in November alone, according to ISP-Myanmar. The Chin Human Rights Organisation told RFA that nearly 30 religious buildings were set on fire in Chin State after the coup. On 24 November, 49 houses, including a church, were set on fire again in Thantlang, Chin State, Chindwin News reported. The junta has consistently denied that its troops have set fire to homes or religious buildings despite widespread accusation from the affected communities and rights organisations.
On 22 November, about 200 junta troops raided the Christ the King Cathedral compound in Loikaw town, Karenni State, and arrested a total of 18 people, including doctors, nurses and a father that working at the Karuna (compassion) clinic. They were released the next day but have been charged for treating patients illegally and allowing CDM health workers to work, according to junta-controlled media. The Kantarawaddy Times reports that this free church-run clinic has been treating the poor for 23 years.
On 23 November, DVB reported that two PDF camps in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region, were raided and set on fire by the junta troops. More than 50 types of weapons collected to sale to the local defense forces in Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing regions were seized in a village in Namsan Township, northern Shan State on 13 November, the junta announced on 24 November.
Khit Thit reports that a convoy of the junta-appointed Karen State Chief Minister Saw Myint Oo was attacked with landmines on 21 November in Hpa-an Township. On 25 November, an unidentified group bombed two power towers in Loikaw, Karenni State. NUG began selling treasury bonds on 22 November and raised $ 9.5 million just in 24 hours, according to People’s Voice TV. The bonds range in price from $100 to $5,000.
NUG's Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr. Tu Hkawng is invited to attend the three-day ASEAN Climate Change Conference. However, the Irrawaddy reports that the coup leader was not allowed to attend the China-ASEAN summit due to opposition from some ASEAN countries. Moreover, the coup leader is not invited to the 13th Asia-Europe Summit, which brings together 51 countries.


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