6th-11th December, 2021


On 10 December, World Human Rights Day, millions of Myanmar people again held a nationwide #SilentStrike campaign to commemorate the victims of the junta’s brutalities. According to data compiled by Data for Myanmar, at least 167 townships, about half of the country, reportedly participated in the protest. Inmates from Insein and Pathein prisons also joined the silent strike, Mizzima reported.
On 7 December, villagers told Myanmar Now that 11 civilians, including five children under the age of 18, were tortured and burnt alive by the junta troops in Done Taw village, Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region. A few days before this incident, two civilians were also beaten and burned to death by junta troops in Kale Township, Sagaing Region.
At least 25 junta troops, including a caption, were killed in a landmine attack on 9 December in Yinmarpin Township, Sagaing Region, local PDFs announced on social media. A military official in Naypyidaw told Mizzima that the junta had instructed the wives of police officers to attend military training as a matter of urgency. In addition, it has been reported that their children from grade 9 onwards are also required to attend military training.
In November, there were more than 200 clashes in the Karen National Union (KNU) -controlled area, killing 190 junta troops, including one battalion commander and one deputy battalion commander, and seven KNU troops, according to the KNU. The KNU Central Committee’s statement said that the PDF members have joined the fighting in Karen State along with its troops. The CDM police formed Kalay Police Service in Kale, Sagaing Region, and the group will conduct law enforcement activities to provide public security in five townships in Gangaw District, the group said.
On 8 December, Facebook @ Meta company, which is being sued by Rohingya in the United States for allegedly failing to stop anti-Rohingya hate speech, removed the accounts of several junta affiliated businesses, including Mytel telecom, from its platform. NUG's Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment announced the recognition of the USD Tether (USDT) cryptocurrency for domestic use on 11 December. In the past, NUG has announced that donations can be made to them in cryptocurrencies.
On 10 December, 255 civil society groups sent an open letter to the UN and some INGOs, which were preparing to sign an MOU with the junta, to stop their engagements. The United States has also announced sanctions against some junta-owned businesses and individuals, including three junta-appointed Chief ministers of Mandalay, Karen, and Kachin.


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