11th-16th January, 2022

 At a junta’s press conference in Naypyidaw, a spokesperson claimed that since the coup, there had been more than 4,000 shootings and bomb attacks in Yangon, killing a total of 1,830 civilians, and more than 1,400 PDFs had been arrested. The junta also broadcasted a video of former NLD MP Phyo Zeyar Thaw, who was arrested in November, in which he said that the PDF had carried out 178 attacks in Yangon since April.

The Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), which has signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), lost its security camp in Pha Lu village, south of Myawaddy, on 14 January after a three-day ground and air attacks. The Irrawaddy reports that eight members of the PDF were captured and four were killed during the fighting, and that refugees and DKBA soldiers were also shot dead. The leader of the ABSDF, one of the NCA signatories, confirmed to Khit Thit on 16 January that its troops were attacking the junta with PDFs.
On 13 January, in Tonzang Township, Chin State, fighting broke out between the Chin coalition forces and the People's Liberation Army, Manipur-based rebels, killing a CNF major and five Indian rebels, a spokesperson for the Chinland Joint Defense Committee told Zalen Myanmar Now reports that a convoy of more than 90 vehicles are recently being sent to Matupi as reinforcement.
About 10 members of the PDF were arrested in Yangon last week, NUG’s Yangon Regional Military Command official told Myanmar Now. PDF members told Myanmar Now that nearly 3,000 lakh kyats worth of homemade weapons and IEDs was lost when junta troops raided their weapons production site between Pale and Yinmarbin in Sagaing Region on 13 January. Khit Thit reports that the police released five detainees on 12 January after the local PDF attacked a township police station in Yinmarbin.
The KNU Brigade 5 Commander released a statement, warning the Border Guard Force (BGF) operating in Karen State not to cooperate with the junta from 15 January. The letter said the BGF was transporting ammunition and food for the junta troops. A clash between the junta troops and the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) broke out in Maungdaw Township in northern Rakhine State on 8 January, and a nearby villager was shot and wounded by ARSA, locals told Myanmar Now.
RFA reported that representatives of the NUG and a group led by AA Commander-in-Chief General Tun Myat Naing met online. The two sides have not yet commented on the issues discussed at the meeting. The BBC reports that the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, scheduled for next week in Cambodia, has been postponed indefinitely. Some ASEAN countries have reported objected to Cambodia's invitation for the junta-appointed foreign minister to attend.


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