18th-23rd December, 2021


After conducting in-depth interview with 11 witnesses and survivors from Kani Township, Sagaing Region, a BBC investigative report confirmed that junta troops massacred at least 40 villagers in four separate incidents in Kani area in July. Many of them were tortured to death and buried in shallow graves, the report said. Local media previously reported the same incident with photos and video evidences, but human rights activists have criticised that Myanmar’s generals continue to revel in impunity despite overwhelming evidences of them committing atrocities against civilians.
On 19 December, 83 junta’s troops, including officers, were killed and wounded in clashes in Monkone area, northern Shan State, according to the MNDAA. The statement said that despite massive ground and air attacks against its base with more than 500 troops, the junta suffered heavy casualties and several weapons were being confiscated on the battlefield.
On 17 December, the joint force of CNF/CNA and CDF-Hualngo attacked the ZRA near Ngawsing village in Tedim Township, Chin State, according to Khonumthung media. India-based ZRA is reportedly not only attacking the People's Defense Forces based in Tedim Township, but also cooperating with the junta’s troops. The Karen National Union (KNU) issued a statement on 20 December urging the enforcement of a “No Fly Zone” to prevent the junta’s airstrikes following fighting intensified near Myawaddy, Karen State. More than 6,000 people have fled to Thai border since the fighting broke out in the new town of Lay Kay Kaw.
A Yaw Defence Force official told DVB that air strike took place on 17 December during a meeting of local PDF leaders in Namkha village, Magway Region. The attacks killed at least 17 people, including some PDF members. On 20 December, the PDF-Naypyitaw announced that it attacked a military convoy with mines in Naypyidaw city, killing twelve junta troops. A Karenni Army source told Khit Thit that four junta troops, including a battalion commander, were killed and one was captured alive in an KA’s ambush on 20 December in Shadaw Township, Karenni State.
The Minkin People's Defense Force announced on 23 December that it seized raw jade stones that being transported illegally in the Chindwin River and handed over to the National Unity Government (NUG). Khit Thit reports that in Mandalay's Maha Aung Myay Township, the junta arrested a total of 200 Myanmar nationals, including Chinese nationals, for illegally selling jade online via Wechat application and extorting 500,000 kyats per a motorcycle and 100,000 kyats per a person.
A labour rights activist told DVB that billions of kyats in social security funds paid by more than 1 million workers in Myanmar are missing under the military's rule. Human Rights Watch has called on the Japanese government to immediately suspend its ongoing training program for Myanmar cadets and cut off all military ties. The junta announced that it had closed the office of Christine Schraner Burgener, the UN special envoy to Myanmar, in Naypyidaw due to the expiration of her term.


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